Employment (Amendment) Act 2022: Key Changes to Malaysian Employment Law

The Employment (Amendment) Act 2022 came into effect on January 1, 2023. The act has made several changes to the Employment Act 1955, which applies to all employees except for those who were previously covered under the act, with the wages limit increased to RM4,000 instead of RM2,000. Here are some of the key changes:

  • Working hours have been reduced from 48 to 45 hours per week.
  • Flexible work arrangements (FWAs) have been included.
  • Maternity leave has been extended from 60 days to 98 days.
  • Paternity leave has been introduced, with a seven-day leave for married male employees.
  • The approval process for hiring foreign workers has been revised.

Additionally, the act requires employers to display a notice to raise awareness of sexual harassment at all times at the place of employment.

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